202302 period training |Vendor Managed Inventory

前海国信    DATE:2023-03-22    TYPE:Company Dynamics

    In order to improve the level of customs knowledge and awareness of the majority of employees, assist the Ministry of Customs to do a good job in promoting customs work. On March 2, Dong Yinzhi, an internal trainer, conducted a special training on "Customs Inspection", which adopted the method of online and offline joint learning, and all colleagues in the workplace actively participated.

Internal trainer: Dong Yinzhi


    In the training course, Dong Yinzhi closely followed the actual work of customs ports, and adopted various methods such as theoretical lectures and illustration explanations to give in-depth explanations on the basic knowledge of customs, the legal basis of border inspection and the handling of common problems.

    After the training, colleagues from various departments actively asked Dong Yinzhi questions about the practical problems encountered in the work, and the atmosphere in the class was warm. Everyone said that such customs business training has benefited a lot and is very helpful to the work.

    Through this training, not only enhanced everyone's interest in customs work, but also expanded colleagues' understanding of port inspection. It provides a rare learning opportunity for colleagues in various departments, and effectively promotes the development of customs declaration and other related work.

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Qianhai Guoxin

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