Independent innovation enhances the core competitiveness of enterprises

前海国信    DATE:2023-06-20    TYPE:Company Dynamics

    In recent years, Chinese enterprises have made significant achievements in technological innovation, providing strong support for high-quality economic and social development. However, in the face of increasingly fierce international competition and complex and ever-changing development environment, China's enterprises still lack independent innovation capabilities, and there are some prominent problems and challenges. How to further enhance the independent innovation ability of enterprises and enhance their core competitiveness is an important task for the current and future period.

    Jiangxi Qianhai Guoxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

    Chairman Yang Weihua:

    Enterprises are the main body of innovation and the driving force behind innovation and creation. To enhance the independent innovation ability of enterprises, it is necessary to strengthen the guidance and promotion role of the government, and create a good policy and institutional environment     based on the market regulation function. Increase financial support for finance, taxation, and finance, which are important means to encourage enterprises to innovate independently. We need to further improve the fiscal, tax, and financial policy system, and optimize the allocation of resources. Strengthening the construction of talent teams is the fundamental guarantee for achieving independent innovation. We need to further improve the talent training system and optimize the talent incentive mechanism. Accelerating the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements is an important link in achieving independent innovation. We need to further improve the mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and optimize the channels for their transformation. Strengthen the construction of innovation platforms, which are important carriers for achieving independent innovation. We need to further improve the innovation platform system and optimize its functions. Strengthening the cultivation of innovative culture is an important foundation for achieving independent innovation. We need to further improve the system of innovation culture and optimize the atmosphere of innovation culture.

    Enhancing the independent innovation capability of enterprises is an inevitable requirement for the high-quality development of China's economy and society, and also an inevitable choice for China to win the initiative in global competition. We should closely focus on building a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic and international dual circulation promoting each other, take multiple measures to improve the independent innovation ability of enterprises, assist in high-quality development, and make greater contributions to the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country.

    Jiangxi Yushun Circuit Co., Ltd

    General Manager Yu Wenjian:

    Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress and the inexhaustible driving force for the prosperity and development of a country. In the current economic situation, improving independent innovation capability is an important task during the 14th Five Year Plan period and an urgent requirement to accelerate the transformation of economic development mode.

    Strengthening independent innovation capability is an effective guarantee for enterprises to enhance their core competitiveness. Enterprises are the main body and carrier of innovation, and the foundation and driving force of economic development. We can no longer rely on external introduction and imitation, but on our own wisdom and efforts to master core technologies, build independent brands, cultivate emerging industries, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into practical productivity. Only in this way can we adapt to market changes, meet consumer demand, improve product quality and efficiency, and enhance our ability to resist risks.

    In order to promote the innovative development of enterprises, we need to increase investment in research and development, establish and improve innovation mechanisms and incentive systems, cultivate innovative talents and teams, and form an innovation culture and atmosphere. At the same time, we also need to optimize the innovation environment, improve legal regulations and policy support, protect intellectual property rights and market order, and promote industry university research cooperation and regional collaboration.

    Improving independent innovation capability is an inherent requirement and inevitable choice for China's economic and social development. Only through independent innovation can we achieve a historic leap from following and running to leading, occupying an active position in the globalized market, and creating more material and spiritual wealth for the people. Innovation is a long-term, systematic, and complex project that requires the joint efforts and support of the entire society.

Source: Jiangxi News (official account)

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