Jointly unite and build for development, work together to promote revitalization | Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce enters Yangfeng Township to assist in rural construction

前海国信    DATE:2023-07-12    TYPE:Company Dynamics

    On July 11th, the Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce and its delegation went to Yangfeng Village, Yangfeng Township, Duchang County, Jiujiang City to carry out a donation activity to assist in the construction of the "Lixin Corridor" in beautiful rural areas and held a unveiling ceremony for its completion. Liu Yu, Secretary and President of the Party Group of the Jiangxi Council for the Promotion of International Trade, President of the Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce, Zhao Xiangyang, Member and Vice President of the Party Group of the Jiangxi Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Vice President of the Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce, and Yang Weihua, Vice President of the Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of Jiangxi Qianhai Guoxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., attended the donation ceremony.

    Shao Xin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yangfeng Township, welcomed the arrival of the Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the township Party Committee and government, and briefly introduced the basic situation and development of Yangfeng Township in recent years; At the same time, we hope that Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce can conduct in-depth research on Yangfeng, understand Yangfeng, promote Yangfeng, continue to care and support Yangfeng, actively participate in the development of Yangfeng, and look forward to further in-depth cooperation.

    At the ceremony, Zhao Xiangyang, a member of the Party Group and Vice President of the Jiangxi Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and Vice President of the Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce, donated a cultural corridor on behalf of the Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce to Yangfeng Village for the construction of the Yangfeng Village Cultural Square; At the same time, the Red Cross Foundation of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, expressed gratitude to Yang Weihua, Vice President of Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of Jiangxi Qianhai Guoxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., for presenting an honorary certificate.

    Subsequently, Liu Yu, Secretary and President of the Party Group of the Jiangxi Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and President of the Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce, jointly unveiled the plaque with Yang Weihua, Vice President of the Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of Jiangxi Qianhai Guoxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

    This donation is another contribution of love and support to society after the "Charity Student Aid Public Welfare" activity, and it is also a concrete action to practice social responsibility and assist in rural revitalization. Guoxin Technology will continue to demonstrate its corporate social responsibility and mission through practical actions, continue to support public welfare and charitable activities, and work together with all sectors of society to contribute to charity and love.

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